Article 1
Definitions In the general terms and conditions, the following is understood under:
Dietitian: Member of the Dietitians Cooperative Netherlands, also in possession of a Dutch diploma in dietetics, acting as an independently established Dietitian or freelance Dietitian.
Client: The person to whom the dietitian provides advice, or their legal representative(s).
Doctor: The general practitioner, dentist, or specialist who has referred the Client to the Dietitian.
Practice Address: The location where the Dietitian’s practice is conducted.
The terms defined above are hereinafter referred to as: Dietitian, Client, Doctor, Practice Address.

Article 2
The Dietitian provides nutritional and dietary advice to the Client at the designated Practice Address. The Client will be immediately informed of any changes to the Practice Address.

Article 3
In principle, the Dietitian advises the Client based on a formal referral by the Doctor. The Dietitian keeps the Doctor informed about the progress of the treatment. The Dietitian is also directly accessible to patients without a referral.

Article 4
Cancellation If the Client is unable to attend the Practice Address on the agreed date and time, they must inform the Dietitian. If the Client fails to notify the Dietitian of their inability to attend within 48 hours of the said time, the Dietitian is entitled to charge the Client the fee for the respective appointment.

Article 5
Before the start of the treatment, the dietitian informs the client verbally or in writing about the applicable rates. The client is encouraged to consult the tariff information on the tariff page and to also check with their own health insurer.

Article 6
Since 2023, we have contracts with almost all health insurers. Consultations will be directly billed to health insurers at the end of each month. If the health insurance does not cover the costs for any reason, the client must pay for the consultations themselves and submit them to their own insurer. The dietitian then sends a monthly overview of the claims in the form of an invoice. The client is obliged to transfer the due amount to the dietitian’s bank account within 14 days of the claim date. It is the responsibility of the client to claim paid consultations from their insurer. In the event of non-payment within the stipulated period, the dietitian reserves the right to charge statutory interest on the outstanding amount from the following day, as well as all costs related to the collection of the respective claim, such as collection costs by a collection agency and legal costs.

Article 7
For the determination of what the Client owes the Dietitian, the books and administration of the Dietitian are decisive, subject to proof to the contrary.

Article 8
The advice of the Dietitian is result-oriented in nature without guaranteeing results. The Dietitian excludes all liability for damage or injury resulting from or related to the Client’s adherence to the advice provided by the Dietitian, unless there is intent or gross negligence on the part of the Dietitian.

Article 9
In case of a dispute between the Client and the Dietitian regarding the advice provided and/or its consequences, the Client is entitled to file a complaint with the national complaints office: Complaints Desk Paramedics,